New orange Art yarn, and February Fiber Giveaway

Yesterday I started spinning my Fiber Swap Art batts. As you can see, I love color 😉
Needle-felted some flowers, beads and oddments, and spun using the autowrapping and foreign objects techniques from “Sit and spin“. I love that the batts contain all sorts of fibers and textures (including chunks of locks) which renders beautifully in the yarn.

Needle-felting probably won’t ever take over my spinning/knitting/crocheting, as it’s a bit tedious for me (lots of little parts to prepare beforehand to get a decent final result) but I love being able to mix all those different techniques with the same initial material: WOOL. 🙂

Still need to take pics of my Malabrigo little mitts… that’ll probably do a post for next week !

On March 4th I’ll be operated on to remove my Thyroid (which has this huge nodule on, and they said better to cut it off completely). So I’ll try to rest a lot next week and not do too much on the craft front (but don’t I always say that ? :-P)

And thus I figured I needed to take care of my FIBER GIVEAWAY now: I’ve just handcarded a couple little bits of fiber for you today… always a pleasure as it’s a good occasion for me to experiment with different fibers!

So I give you a tiny amount of dark cloud fluff: Blue Merino, Black alpaca and colored silk noils in one of the battlet (warning, some VM in the silk noils remaining despite my efforts). Amazingly soft and fluffy, with added texture of silk noils. One has silk noils, and one doesn’t. They’re both a very pretty dark turqoise/teal color, with some black patches (from the alpaca).

And a couple battlets (probably around 30g /1 oz, sorry, too lazy to weight them this time) of some mystery seemi-coarse brown wool+ white soft wool (felt like falklands) + Colored wool neps & some green hand-dyed Cotswold locks ETA:Oops, forgot the black alpaca in this one too… This one is my personal favorite, naturals colors with added peps ! 🙂

For your chance to win, just leave a comment saying which one you’d like (and why) before my next post, which could be anytime next week.. Good luck !

32 thoughts on “New orange Art yarn, and February Fiber Giveaway

  1. *emy Reply

    I’m sending you good vibes and well wishes hoping everything goes smoothly for your operation!!!

    And how can I resist not entering the contest for the blue merino!!! It looks gorgeous!!! Sign me up please!


  2. Deneen Reply

    Good thoughts for the surgery.

    I have to enter the contest for the non-alpaca battletts (allergic to alpaca). Besides, you’ve become an enabler to me (hackle and ugly batts)!

  3. Monica Reply

    I would LOVE the blue batts- I love anything turquoise!

  4. naughtyknots Reply

    that green and grey is SO beautiful! My eye was instantly drawn to it. I’d love to snuggle up to it…. *ahem* 🙂

    Thanks for the contest!

    I’m naughtyknots on Rav

  5. ikkinlala Reply

    I love the blue – it’s just such a pretty colour.

    Best of luck with the surgery.

  6. Shar Reply

    I love ’em both! I’ve been tempted to try some spinning myself. I figure one more addiction won’t kill me, right!? Just the pocketbook 😉

    Good luck and fast healing with your surgery & thanks for your generosity with your offers, you’re too kind!

    sharbie on ravelry

  7. niney Reply

    ooh my vote is for the blue one.

    good luck with your surgery, better safe than sorry right?
    be sure to relax afterwards so you can heal properly 🙂

  8. Vanessa Brooks Reply

    WOW I love them all lol…I LOVE the blue but i think I will go for the grey green though …but i sure love them both lol….

  9. bea Reply

    I’m in love with the brown and green. I think because it reminds me of how the forest behind my house is starting to come alive with spring. The lovely neutrals giving way to small pops of green.

  10. dove Reply

    Mmm mmm. Mmmm. Let’s see here…

    I’m generally an “au naturel” kind of girl…but, look at that blue yarn you spun – honey, that’s CRAZY good stuff!

    I want the blue oo ooo bluuue oooo ooooo!

    And here. Here’s a {{{{{{{{{{{{{{hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}. At least we know the thyroid is not the seat of creativity. Pah! Ditch it! Good luck with your surgery!


  11. One Sheep Reply

    Since I am fiarly new to spinning, I am interested in trying as many fibers as I can, and if they are beautiful colors like these, all the better. I’d love to try them all, but I’d choose the blue because I would like to try something with silk.

  12. Kitten With A Whiplash Reply

    I can see a cool stream with mossy rocks along the banks when I look at the two fibers together. I think I’d choose the grey/green, I just see it working up so beautifully. Sending good thoughts for your surgery going smoothly and your speedy recovery.

  13. cthulhulovesme Reply

    Hope everything goes well in your surgery.

    Both those batts are lovely, honestly, but I really dig the bottom one best. I’m a huge green fan, and those little hints just pop right out and say “Spin me!”

  14. Chrissy Reply

    I’d like the turquoise batts. I’d use them to learn how to spin.

  15. Gladys Reply

    I’m just learning how to spin, so trying new things would be fun — I’d like the blue one as well!

  16. Gretchen (brownbear on rav) Reply

    I hope the surgery goes well and you recover quickly!

  17. Little Miss S. Reply

    I love the brown/white/grey/greenish at the bottom – since it looks like the colours of stones, water, moss and fairies in a wood near a stream. Beautiful…

  18. D. Smith Reply

    sounds like you are looking forward to your recovery following your surgery. i certainly wish you luck, friend.

    your blue merino yarn looks splendid for my knit softie projects which i am addicted to since before xmas.

    all the best

  19. tanya Reply

    sending good vibes your way for your surgery!!! I love that 2nd batt, the gray, black green one…..gorgeous! makes me think “swamp love!”

  20. CindyCindy Reply

    I love the blue. I have never spun blue or silk and that is some gorgeous stuff. And, now I’m very intrigued and will check out your stuff. Take care and I’m sending good healing thoughts your way from Middle Earth.

  21. colibridreams Reply

    Hope everything goes fine!

    I would love the Blue Merino. I love blue, and those fibers look like water. Whenever I go to Finland, I try to learn to spin (my granny has a spinning wheel). It would be love to try that blue fiber instead of the grey I have been using.

  22. MariAngel Reply

    I love both batts, but I would have to go for the grey/black/green. Makes me think of new grass in spring springing up between the dead grass and mud left from winter. I could just see a gorgeous scarf made from it.

    All the best for a quick recovery from your surgery.

    MariAngel on Ravelry

  23. Kanjun Reply

    I definitely love the bright blue – what a beautiful, deep and brilliant blue! =)

  24. MamaMay Reply

    I love the blue! It looks sooo… soooo… I don’t know but I wants it!

    Ravelry name MamaMay

  25. Mallory Reply

    Hmm, I have to go with the blue merino battlet – blue is an old favorite color that I keep going back to and I really want to try spinning a batt with silk noil. I bought a bag of tussah silk noil to try blending with some fiber, but I’ll have to figue out if I can blend it with wool combs or a flick carder. Does anybody know, or do I have to buy hand carders to blend little noils?


  26. turvid Reply

    I’ve tried spinning with 1 (one) wool-fiber, I would love to try anything else. 🙂

  27. Logan Reply

    I’d be happy with any one of your lovely fiber blends, the blue especially calls to me because I have an excessive fondness for that particular hue, but I’m kind of intrigued by the second one as well. It’d be interesting to see what I could do with it! And it would certainly give me a worthwhile excuse to jump into spinning (though I’d certainly practice before I attempted to do anything with this!

    I wish you a speedy recovery!

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