For full article, please refer to
French Knitting: Knitting from the French“.


Aig = aiguille = needle  (needle numbers = size in mm. For example, Aig 7 = 7.0 mm needles, aig 3,5 = 3.5 mm needles)
Ajouré = lacey, or with eyelets
Alternat. = alternativement = alternately
Anneaux marqueurs = stitch markers
Après = after
Arrête-mailles = stitch holder
Arrondi = rounding. As in « former l’arrondi » (shape rounding). Usually for collar, or sleeve holes.
Assemblage (assembler) = assemble together the pieces
Astrakan = Astrakhan. Literally, a looped yarn, or a stitch pattern design to imitate looped yarn. Can also mean bobble-stitch.
Attente (en attente) = on hold
Augm. = augmenter = increase. If no method is specified in “Points d’Emploi” use whichever increase you think best suits the piece.
Aux. = auxilliaire (aiguille) = for needle, can mean a stitch holder or cable needle. (literally, extra needle)
Avant = before
Avec = with

Bas = bottom
Béret = tam
Bonnet = hat
Bord(s) = edge(s). As in aug. 1 m. à 2m. du bord (increase 1 st. 2 st. Away from border).
Boucle = loop. For instance, « le brin avant de la boucle » will mean the front loop of stitch.
Boutonnières = buttonholes
Broder = embroider

Ceinture = belt
Centr. = central(es) = center(ed)
Ch. = chaque = each
Châle = shawl, wrap
Chaussette = sock
Chausson = slipper, or booties (for babies)
Circulaire (aig. circulaire) = circular (needle).
Col. = coloris = color
Commencer = start
Cont. = continuer = continue
Côté = side
Côtes 2/2 = 2/2 rib
Coudre = sew
Court(e) = short
Coutures = seams
Croiser = cross

Dble = double = double
Dentelle = lace
Dern. = dernier(e) = last
Devant = front
Dévidoir = dévidoir parapluie = umbrella swift
Dim. = diminution = decrease.
Dim. simple (dble) = diminutions simple (double) = simple (double) decrease. For example, dim. simple (double) à 2 m. du bord droit » means « k2, k2tog, .. » (k2, k3tog, ..) ..Yess, I know !! so much easier in english !!!
Div. = diviser =divide
Dos = back
Droit = straight. As in « cont. Droit pendant 30 cm » (continue straight for 30 cm)
Droite (à droite) = right, right side
Ds = dans = in, as in ds chq m. (in each st)

Echantillon = Gauge or tension. This will tell you how many stitches and rows you should get over a 10 cm (4 inches)
square. Change your needle size to obtain the proper gauge if you want the garment to knit up to the right size.
Echarpe = scarf
Emman. = emmanchure = armhole
Employé = used. You’ll find this word for example in the phrase « points employés » (stiches used).
Encol. = encolure = collar
Endr. = endroit = right side. As in « m. endr. » ( knit stitch) or « rg endr. » (RS row)
Ens. = Ensemble = together. As in tricoter 2 m. ens. (knit 2 stitches together)
Entre-temps = meanwhile
Epaule = shoulder

Facile = easy
Faire (en faisant) = make (making). For example, « faire 3 m. dans la m. suivante » means make 3 stitches into the next stitch, by knitting, purling and then knitting into the same stitch. Common for bobble and some lace patterns.
Fantaisie (pt fantaisie) = used to describe a somewhat uncommon stitch used in the pattern and described right at the beginning in the « points employés » (stitches used) section.
Fermeture éclair (or fermeture à glissière)= zipper
Fil = can mean either yarn or thread, depending on situation.
Fil de couleur = stitch marker. You can use a simple tied loop of a contrasting yarn, or use store-bought stitch markers.
Fleur = flower
Finitions = finishing
Fs = fois = times. As in « répéter de * à * 3 fs au tot. » (repeat from * to * 3 times total)
Former = shape, make
Fournitures = materials

Gant = glove
Gauche = left, left side
Gilet = cardigan
Gland = tassel
Glisser = slip.

Haut = high. As in « à 20 cm de haut après les côtes 1/1 » (when piece measures 20cm after the 1/1 rib)
Haut. = hauteur = height

Impair(s) = odd, as in « sur ts les rgs impairs » (on all odd rows)

Jacquard = intarsia / fair-isle
Jeté = yarn over
Jersey =Stockinette or stocking stitch = knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side.

L :
Lâcher (une m.) = to drop (a stitch)
Laine = litterally, means wool, but also the generic term for yarn. Like in « pelotes de laine » (skeins of yarn)
Laisser = leave, as in « laisser les m. en attente » (leave stitches on hold)
Lis. (m. lis.) = selvedge stitch
Long(ue) = long
Longueur = length

M :
m. = maille = stitch.This shall usually be either « m. endr. » (knit stitch) or « m. env. » (purl stitch)
Manche(s) = sleeve(s)
Même = same, similar
Mitaines = sleeveless gloves
Monter x mailles = cast on x stiches. (but « monter » could also mean assemble the different parts of a piece in finishing stage)
Moufles = mittens
Mousse (pt mousse) = garter stitch

N : 
Noppe = bobble

O :
Obtient (on obtient) = you have
On a = you have (x stitches..)
Ourlet = hem

P :
Pair(s) = even. As in « sur ts les rgs pairs » (on all even rows)
Pel. = pelote (s) =skein(s)
Pdt = pendant = for, during. « pendant 10 rangs » means for 10 rows.
Pli(s) = pleat(s)
Poignet = wrist
Précédent = previous
Pt = point = stitch, as in « pt de riz » (seed stitch) or « pt envers » (reverse stockinette)
Pull = sweater, pullover

R :
Rab. = rabattre = bind off
Rayé = striped
Régul. = régulièrement = regularly/ evenly
Rel. = relever = pick up. As in « relever x m. » (pick up x st.)
Rep. = répéter = repeat.
Réparti = evenly spaced
Repasser = iron, block
Reprendre = place back on needle (the sts left on hold), as in « reprendre les m. laissées en attente »
Reste (il reste) = you have (litterally « there remains »)
Rg(s) = rang(s) = row (s)
Riz (pt de riz) = seed stitch

S :
Sac = bag, purse, tote
Sans = without. For example, a « pull sans manches » is a sleeveless sweater.
Semblable = same. As in « tric. La 2ème manche semblable (make second sleeve foll. same directions.)
Suiv. = suivant(e) = following
Surjet simple = slip, knit, pass slipped st.over (skp)
Surjet double = slip, k2tog, ppso

T :
T1 / T2 / T3 = taille 1 / 2 / 3 = size 1 / 2 / 3
Taille = means both the waist, or size for a garment
Term. = terminer (en terminant) = end(ing) with
Tjs = toujours = always
Torsade = cable (and thus an « aiguille à torsade » shall be a cable needle ..)
Torse (m. torse) = Twisted or crossed stitches
Tot. = total
Trav. = travail = work. As in « répéter ces 2 rgs tout au long du trav. » repeat this pattern throughout work
Tric. = tricoter = general term to describe the action of knitting ; can mean a combination of knit and purl rows. If not specified as in « tric. 2 rgs en col. amande », just assume you’re still using the same stitch as before (stockinette, lace, etc …), until it tells you to change stitch.
Tricot = work, piece
Ts / ttes = tous / toutes =all. As in « rab. Ttes les m. « (bind off all stitches)

V :
Vis-a-vis (en) = reversing instructions. For example, « tricoter le second côté en vis-a vis » work shaping as for other side, reversing shaping.
Volant = ruffle

This article was originally published in (now offline ) – Updated July 2023

© Sylvie Damey, 2006-2023. All contents on this page (and // in general) can not be copied, sold or posted elsewhere without my written consent.

2 thoughts on “French Knitting Dictionnary

  1. Linda Reply

    I am searching everywhere but I cannot find the French term for an umbrella swift. Can anyone help?

    • Sylvie Reply

      Oh, that’s a good one ! Thanks, I’ll add it to the dictionnary 🙂
      It’s a “dévidoir parapluie”, or “dévidoir à laine”.

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