Inspiring crochet – Visual artist Nick Cave

This week I discovered the inspiring world of Nick Cave (no, not the musician. Quite amazing to see there are 2 out-of-this-world Nick Caves on this earth !!) thanks to the ever-inspiring french Tricotine.
Nick Cave Visual artist
First I was … let’s say surprised. Yet quickly the collage of random crochet hats and bags and various odments to create a human mask/suit/sculpture resonated deeply within.

I love the story of how he came to making those sculptures, collecting oddments from thrift stores and flea markets to turn them into a work of art. And how his work can not easily be classified into a specific category, art, dance, fashion…?

Here are a couple videos to get a better grasp of his work.

first a quick introduction

and a slightly longer one which I really loved watching, esp. as it allows to see those famous Sound Suits in movement

And for those who read french, beautiful photos and inspiring conference by Nick Cave.

I tend to focus only on “usefull crochet” because I don’t have room for decor. And let’s face it, because I need to feed my family.
But it’s enlightening to see crochet from a different angle. Beauty also feeds us, although on a different level.

Did you know about Nick Cave’s work ? Any other amazing crochet artist you’d recommend ?

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1 thought on “Inspiring crochet – Visual artist Nick Cave

  1. EL Reply

    Isn’t his work amazing? Great videos here, thanks! and wonderful photos on the other site. He recently had an exhibition at the ICA Boston, with a couple of videos on its website.

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