You may sell items made with my knitting/crochet/sewing patterns

Back in 2005 when I started publishing my own patterns, a strict limitation of rights on knitting and crochet pattern seemed to be the mainstream standard.
It also seemed natural to me. You know, being over-protective of your new baby. Plus the fact that as a designer I would never have felt comfortable selling things I made using somebody else’s pattern.
And to be fully honest, I didn’t want people to take all the credit for my designs when selling their items on fairs, markets ect…

But times change. I don’t understand the music industry and their useless (and counter-productive) limitations. And I started wondering whether I should change my policy. This blog helped me think about it again, and today I decided to change the copyright policy on all my patterns.

From now on, you will be able to SELL items made using my patterns,

– provided you make the item yourself
– & credit my name and pattern

Of course, you still can’t re-sell my patterns. I guess this part goes without saying 😉

I’m currently changing the footnotes on all my patterns, but it will take a while until I update all the patterns on Etsy, Ravelry and Craftsy. The new policy does take effect now though. 🙂

2 thoughts on “You may sell items made with my knitting/crochet/sewing patterns

  1. Lindy Brown Reply

    I just wanted to say thank you for giving permission to sell made items from your patterns. I have held out on buying patterns with many companies because they wouldn’t allow made items to be sold.

    • Administrator Reply

      Thanks Lindy ! Not too sure why it took me so long to come to that decision.. but now nearly all my patterns are updated, Pfeew ! 🙂

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