Winter is here…

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Only a week ago it felt like summer, we could wear t-shirts. And suddenly it snowed and left about 50 cm of white fluff in the village. The girls love being able to wear their winter gear again… and I love the sound of crisp snow around, especially for quiet walks in the wood with a good friend.

Asymetric tunic crochet by Sylvie Damey, ChezPlum Armel boys hooded jacket, crochet pattern by Sylvie Damey, ChezPlum
Two pieces are now finished: I added small sleeves and a bobble edging to the purple and white Asymetric tunic. My shoudlers and arms are warmer this way, and it probably balances the whole garment well.
(I had a plan for optional longer white sleeves, but it just didn’t work : which is the reason why I like to make all my samples. Sometimes ideas don’t translate well and need some last-minute tweaking).
And the Armel hooded jacket finally got a (red) zipper ! Now I just need to find a little boy willing to model it for me 😛

A friend of mine stayed with us for a few days. She’s one of the two people who stuck to crochet after I taught them. You could even say she’s pretty much hooked… and because she doesn’t know any other crocheter, each time we see each other I teach her something new: this time it was how to make my little hexagon motif… and how to read a crochet diagram. Looks like it was a revelation for her (she seems to be a visual learner, to which I can totally relate), and she’s now able to decipher all the pretty motifs in my collection of japanese books. I SO can’t wait to see what she makes next ! 🙂

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