Birthday skirt and Ermeline for Plume

Plume was invited to one of her friend’s birthday this afternoon. I had an idea to make a little funky skirt, but as usual waited until the last day to actually make it. 🙂
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This morning was quiet, so I sewed and got Plume to help me. We made a skirt, and matching headband, which she decorated with beads. Fun, and I wrote down all the measurements to make more for the girls. I’ll try to make the bottom contrasting band wider for the next ones though. 😛
The crocheted triangle comes from one of my beloved japanese crochet books. Was a bit stressful to crochet it right before lunch… and I’m not sure sewing it with the sewing machine was the best idea. Maybe I’ll do that a bit differently next time. (Oh, and one of the downsides of waiting till the last minute, no time to wash and iron the skirt before gifting it… Ahem, we’ll pretend it was from being folded in the present 😛)
But for the triangle “pocket”, the skirt would be totally reversible as the fabric was a bit too thin and see-through to use it as a single layer. And that purple fabric with the green dots ? Was a duvet cover from my childhood. I love it and plan on using it for many garments, it’s so joyful, full of peps.. and memories too 😀
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I’ve finished the Ermeline cardi for Plume but really need to take better outdoor pics. (snapped those an hour ago before running out to the party) I’m still not sure if we’ll add buttons, or maybe a long zipper ?
Also, the testing phase is nearly over, thanks to some wonderful ladies. (will add names here later! :-P)
Expect the pattern very soon ! 😀

1 thought on “Birthday skirt and Ermeline for Plume

  1. yahaira Reply

    omg prune has gotten so big! she’s gorgeous and looks like she’s a ton of fun.

    and you tried the crochet on sewing! I don’t think I would have been able to do any of that right before a party 😛

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