
Raining again today… I feel so Blah these days !

I’ve just finished the first draft version of my crochet bootie and it doesn’t look half as bad as I feared it would. Looks WAY too big though so I’ll see how much I need to resize it when Maud’s awake. Could I just resize it in the photocopier ? 😛

Got several new books and mags this week. The long-coveted Noro book comes from Ebay. Then there’s the spring issue of Marie Claire Id

3 thoughts on “Bootie

  1. Sylvana Reply

    I read your blog but in general i don’t post. I just wanted to tell you that your tutorial is great, and i’m planning to use it.

  2. Casey Reply

    Your booties are so cute! there are way too many cute handmade things to make and buy for my soon to arrive little one!

  3. Natalie Reply

    Hi Sylvie,

    I’m glad you like CRAFT! Thanks so much for the use of your patterns for our podcast. The next goes up tomorrow.

    I just got my Marie Claire Idees in the mail but haven’t had time to read it yet! It’s a great way for me to pratice my french. 🙂

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