Pattern testers / proofreaders

So I’ve just finished editing the pattern for my Cactus Mittenettes. For once it’s not going to be 2 patterns in one, but 2 versions of the same pattern in one… 😉
It will include instructions both for Malabrigo “Merino worsted” or Handpaintedyarns “Colonia 140”. Two gauge options, only 85 m of yarn needed .. a real stashbuster !! Knit flat for the most part, you’ll only have to deal with dpn for 8 little rounds for the thumbs.

As you’ve noticed, I’ve already used this pattern tons and have already corrected many mistakes, typos ect… However, I’d love to find a couple people willing to test the pattern again to get their feedback & catch any leftover typo… plus tell me about any incorrect writing… (english being not my native language )
Please leave me a comment if interested, or just drop me a note. As usual, I’d like quick feedback on that .. but believe me they’re quick to knit !!

EDIT: HUGE Thanks to all the people who offered to help, I’ve already sent the pattern to 4 testers/proofreaders… You guys Rock !!

7 thoughts on “Pattern testers / proofreaders

  1. Jacqueline Clare Reply

    I would love to proof and test knit your pattern. Love it.

  2. Megan Reply

    I would love to test knit these! How cute! I haven’t seen any fingerless gloves yet that I want to knit except these. If you don’t need any more test knitters, please let me know what publication these will be in. I want a copy!

  3. Crystal Reply

    Was actually just looking for some fingerless gloves to knit. I’d love to test these for ya! I reckon I’m a little late, but let me know if you’d like. I’ll be able to start as soon as I get the pattern if you pick me.

  4. Emma Reply

    I would love to help and test knit your pattern. I’m sat at home bored this week and I could do with a project! x

  5. Lynn in Tucson Reply

    English is not your native language? Eh, bien, chapeau! I’m impressed!

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