I have a date …

Remember how I said I had an appointment with my doctor on tuesday ? Well well ladies, turns out I’ll be induced …. tomorrow !!!!! We have to be at the clinic at 7.45 am… Ta da !!
…unless she comes all by herself by then of course (I’ve had contractions all night and morning yet again)
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I’ve managed to finish the lime cardi finally, after spending a whole evening counting stitches on each section about a million times !! This is REALLY not my favorite part of the whole process I tell you ! Now to weave in all these ends, give it a goooood block, and attach & choose the right buttons. I tried several options yesterday, I think my preference goes to the plum assortment (!) so far, but I’d love to hear what you think. (click for larger pics)

Okay, see you guys in a few days, wish us luck !! (I just hope everything is fine for the baby..)

9 thoughts on “I have a date …

  1. yahaira Reply

    good luck! fingers crossed!!

    I sent you a little package yesterday.

    Id go with the plum ones

  2. Anonymous Reply

    Hi, I have never posted before but, I have been following your blog for some time. I am a BIG fan of your isabeau bag! I just wanted to send my best wishes to you and your family. Your little baby will be beautiful in every way and will probably be looking for some yarn to knit something with when she comes out.


  3. Pam - Knotty Generation Reply

    Sylv – I’ve been thinking about you and send “good wishes” for you, your baby, and your family. As for the super cool lime cardi, I love the plum buttons!

  4. Bryony Reply

    Oooooh! I missed this because of my little hols, so I hope everything went smoothly and that you are all ok!

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