Yes I know it’s nearly summer…

…but the kids just had so much fun ! And prune wouldn’t stop asking for the “kis” until we got them out. Attempts to walk with the skis were fun, but the sledge works surprisingly well on the grass !!! (can you tell prune loved having a boyfriend to play with?)
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We had a gorgeous week-end, saw some friends we hadn’t seen for probably 6 years … And they had this wee baby girl, not even 2 months old, so tiny !! I was glad to see prune very careful and caring with the baby. (cause sometimes she’s a bit of a bully with her dolls !!)

Of course I hardly touched the needles/hooks at all while there. But I’m now working on the lime cardi, … and started an openwork crochet cardi for prune with some stashyarn. Hope she’ll agree to wear that one !! (and of course I’m using the new coloured acrylic hooks, love them !!!)

Finally, if you’re lucky you might see my wee add in Crafster. Because I got only the smallest one, there’s apparently 1/200 chances to see it… Still I got lucky several times and it’s so funny to see it there.. Yeah !
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Oh. And if you have a few minutes to spare I can’t recommend enough to go and read emma’s post on “blogging against disablism”. I stumbled upon her blog today and just cried. But in a good way.

1 thought on “Yes I know it’s nearly summer…

  1. Emmie Reply

    Your kids look adorable and I saw your ad yesterday! Yay!!! It looks great!

    Emmie 😀

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