One year !

Funny how lots of us seem to have started pretty much at the same time… but today is my “blogiversary” ! Yep,made the big jump a year ago today. And I can tell you I didn’t feel very comfortable with this blogging/posting on forums thing at the time… That’s another great thing with blogging, the new skills (I call it skill because to my family I’m an expert .. 😉 ) and the ability to do it all by yourself.
Weird how it seems like forever tho. I mean, met so many people since, made good friends, fantastic connections, got my own site online, managed to write patterns and had the huge priviledge to see other people knit from those (!), got back into knitting (hadn’t knit in like 10 years before prune was born), and even learned to crochet !
Anyhow, stealing the idea from Winnie, I made a wee FO mosaic to celebrate…
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(and this is where it so obviously shows what a “small project” knitter I am…!)

Doing good progress on the crochet babyset, but I’ll probably write more about that later this week. Just thought I couldn’t miss writing a post today.
Oh. And I have my third ultrasound tomorrow btw… 😉

8 thoughts on “One year !

  1. yahaira Reply

    happy blog-bday!!
    it is funny how so many of us started around the same time.

    third trimester already!?

  2. Anonymous Reply

    Happy Blogiversary and good luck with your ultrasound.

  3. maylin Reply

    Happy anniversary.

    Good luck with the ultrasound, will you be posting a picture?

    Like the idea of a granny square cardigan, I have had a similar idea for a loose top but probably in cotton or bamboo. (Though I too have a huge stash of odd balls of mohair). It will be interesting to say what we both come up with.


  4. KnitPastis Reply

    Happy happy happy happy Blog Anniversary! You know I am loving big time that big red basket you made at the top right!!! Love it!

  5. Christine (knitting for boozehags) Reply

    just wanted to say i love and miss you! It’s been so hectic here and I WILL write you a nice email SOON!
    When are you due again? How are you feeling?
    I am so glad you blog! I love your blog! And lil Prune is getting not so little these days! (but more and more beautiful!)
    Wish you were here/I was there!

  6. Bryony Reply

    Happy blogiversary 😀 Seems like only five minutes ago… Ahhh how time flies!

    And I look forward to hearing about the ultrasound 🙂

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