Crochet cardi

So I’ve finished the wee crochet cardi yesterday. Finishing is never the funnest part, but I quite like the result.
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Now the question is, shall I continue with the other items of the set or shall I FINALLY get started on my Knitty submission..?! Deadline is april 15th, soon it’ll be too late.

Btw, just for fun, if somebody guesses what the next item in that baby shower set is, you’ll get a free copy of that pattern.. 😉 It ain’t a hat, nor booties (although I do plan an assorted free pattern for booties a bit later on). And third item in the pattern will be a little softie toy…

In other news, for my fellow crafsterites, you may notice I’ve changed my username into “SylvChezPlum”. No more Prunille. First because it’s more “me”, and also it might be easier for people to recognize me between all my different names (chez Plum, Pelotes, Sylv…)
Also, I just opened an Etsy Shop. Will see if my stitchmarkers get any luck there.. although I might redo some of them.

Oh, and I’m so proud of my mum. I taught her to crochet last thursday, lent her a book and the exact yarn (Phildar Aurore in the same shade as on the book.. did feel like my own yarn store !!) to make an easy lacy stole she liked… She’s already made a potholder, and got a good start on the stole. Yeah for her !!!

8 thoughts on “Crochet cardi

  1. Sylvana Reply

    I think it could be pants, but i would prefer seeing a nice little skirt

  2. KnitPastis Reply

    Oh Sylv…this is too precious. Yippi, your teaching your mom how to crochet.
    Is your second item to knit with the set going to be a pair of pants?

    About changing your name….I totally agree with you. Choose the name that feels like you. I so glad that you get that idea!

  3. ajour Reply

    Hi SylvChezPlum,
    Just like the others: I think pants.. or maybe a blanket.
    Really like the colours by the way!

  4. Bonnie Reply

    The sweater is adorable! Can’t wait to see your knitty in knitty!

  5. Horse Power Reply

    That is so beautiful and so cute at the same time ~ I love love love the color combination!

    btw, I forgot to tell you I put your elegant Chez Plum button on my blog… I like the colors on that, as well.

  6. Paula460 Reply

    it’s very pretty!congrats!
    and… very alike to one I made for my 2 years old 😉

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