Bunnies and eggs

Hope you all had a happy Easter week-end !
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I was lucky we only left for Grenoble on sunday because I don’t think there’s any way I could have sent my submission in time otherwise… ! Apparently they never received as many as this time. So really… all I hope for is to know soon enough if it’s rejected to maybe submit it somewhere else. We’ll see.

Image hosting by Photobucket I brought back from my “secondary stash” more mohair. I have this idea for crocheted cardis with a granny square base… It could make a few really nice ones if it works out the way I see it. Still need to improve my granny square skills though 😉 But that’ ll probably wait till colder times anyway.

Also found some crafting books I had completely forgotten about, including one on “painting with yarn” and the breathtaking “patchwork pictures” by Janet Bolton. Love my crafting bookshelf ! 😀

Otherwise, what else ? Been dyeing yarn again today: today’s wenesday so Prune’s at daycare … And I’m now working on the second item for the baby set… have to rush, little Nia’s born !! (yeah Christine, you knew it was for her, right.. You’ll just have to pretend it’s a surprise… 😉 )

Tomorrow I’ll be leaving ing Prune for 4 days with my parents. Wow. This will be her first time. Hope it all goes well. Just hope she doesn’t ask for us all night…!
And for us, we’re planning to go out and see a movie. Hasn’t happened since at least what.. 3 years ?!

3 thoughts on “Bunnies and eggs

  1. Pam - Knotty Generation Reply

    Good luck with the submission, I bet you’ll be accepted, you do great work. Your’re dyed yarn is worth the trouble, it is truely “one of a kind”.

  2. KnitPastis Reply

    She’s so adorable! I really am pulling for your pattern to get accepted to Knitty. Enjoy your date with your husband!

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