I bought yarn.

I did it. Went on a yarn binge. Probably a very small binge for other people but it’s like the first time I buy real expensive yarn and end up buying more than just 2 skeins at a time… I guess there’s always a first time. And I’m not feeling overly guilty because I’m using my “own” money (got the money for the fancy scarf !!! :-D) and about 3/4 is for future patterns/projects….
Except the Kureyon! But I figured for once I ordered online, I just couldn’t wait any longer..!! 😉

Which leads me to a question. I really love the cardi on the cover of the Debbie Bliss “Noro collection 1” book. But it seems the book’s discontinued. Any chance someone would have a copy they no longer want (yeah, dream on !!), or know of a place where you could buy one for me ? (paypal or swap). You know, just asking…

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I’m nearly halfway with the red mohair crossover. (don’t think it was a smart move to photograph red on pink though, oversaturated the whole thing!) Goes really fast, but I just haven’t spent much time on it lately. Prune ‘s been really sick since thursday (high fever without any other obvious symptoms, I ended up going to the doctor 3 times in a week!! much better today though). Also, I realised even plain stockinette but with a few decreases or a super simple chart to follow is hard to concentrate on when she’s around.. !
So anyhow, I managed the back, right front and a half sleeve so far. Although I’ll have to redo the top of the back. Messed up the instructions: when they said decrease for armholes on every row at beg. of row, I assumed it did mean dec. on every row. Wrong. So okay, I now realise what they meant, but still…

Oh, and I told you about my friend anouchka coming the other day..? Guess what. She left with the leftover tibetan yarn for a yoke vest, and all the gear for it !!!! Apparently she also plans on making several other projects from the book… Hehe, another convert !!! 😉

3 thoughts on “I bought yarn.

  1. Laura Reply

    I love that cardi too. Your blog is so much fun to read, and your projects on Craftster are always impressive. Congrats on your soon-to-be new baby!

  2. Flying Pizza Reply

    Yeah, I made some mistakes on that pattern too, due to what I thought was weird translation. It looks lovely so far, though!

  3. Anushka Reply

    Wow – it looks really beautiful (so far!)

    Heh, your friend’s name is Anouchka; my name is Anushka. (Same name, different spelling 🙂 )

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