Xmas pressies : one more down !

Just finished a little set for my niece who lives in Reunion island. It’s summer there – and pretty much all year round- , so I had to find ideas for summer knits.. 😉
Apparently she looooves bags so I made her an Isabeau purse (slightly modified with no button for safety, and 2 handles like the tote & handbag..), and an assorted hat which I quite like. I’ll probably rework it and make it an actual pattern.. 😉 (with another lace pattern & an adult size)
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But prune skipped her nap today, so she won’t model them and I had to resort to a table shot…

EDIT : today (ie next morning) prune decided she’d make up for scaring the hell out of me when I saw her playing with my glasses (and thought she had broken them in 2 pieces like she did to my sunnies). So she grabbed the hat and purse to model them for me. Sometimes she’s just so sweet !! And look at her half closing her eyes not to be blinded by the flash..
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Oh, and today she got her first ever hair cut. Her dad eventually gave his green light 😉 so I cut all the uneven hair down her neck. I like it, she looks more like a little girl now…
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2 thoughts on “Xmas pressies : one more down !

  1. yahaira Reply

    cute even without your model. you need to start paying her more so that she’ll always work : )

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