The whole set

I’ll definitively take better pics later, but that’s it, I’ve finally finished the tote ! (so weird, this darker mark in the middle!!)
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And the three together :
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Only thing is I’m not so sure about the length of the handles for the tote. Maybe a wee bit longer ..? (What do you think ?)
Of course, I’ll take some “action shots” on friday (wenesdays and thurdays are long busy Uni days here now) so we can judge better.

But other than that, I guess it’s kind of ok. I might add some little inside seed stitch pockets too, don’t know… And then type the pattern ! (but that shouldn’t take long) Which reminds me I really should update a bit chezPlum, with my “new design by the end of september”.. Oops. Laurent said maybe for Christmas. Oooh, it’s just going to be so awesome. Patience is the key. Plus it’s not like I had tons of new patterns ready each week these days.. 😉

I also had some really cool cool cool news these days, hope it’ll be confirmed. 😀

And now the question is: which project shall be next ? I’ve started to think about some holiday knitting, so I took my “Last minute gifts” out (Yum, how I love this book !) and will certainly make more mittens-whatever she calls them. I had good fun making those for my mum already, and loved the result. Must make a wee Isabeau purse for my niece too, and probably some scarves and/or stoles, depending on what inspires me in the stash. Ooh. And I always forget, I need to make laurent a new hat. I even know which yarn, and he likes the Manos hats in LMKG so I know the shape he wants too. Have to remember that this should be my next project !! (and prune also needs a new hat btw..)

I’ve also decided on a sweater I want to make for myself (I’ve only ever knit one, and that was like 15 years ago !!), the blue lacey cables pullover in the fall VK. , for which I may even be able to use up some stash yarn. Not exactly the purrrfect yarn but a really nice color. I started swatching, we’ll see what comes out. But anyway I still want to concentrate on other things before I start on this. The mere thought of it is nice though.. 😉 I just know this will be a sweater I’ll wear a lot !!
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2 thoughts on “The whole set

  1. Brooklyn Handspun Reply

    I LOVE the bags. As for the length of the tote handle, I tend to like them long enough to easily go over my arm but not too long that the bag smacks my hip when I walk.

  2. morgan Reply

    I really like that sweater! I’m starting a lacy one from vk fall 2002. Maybe it’s the same designer. I love your bags!!!!!!

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