Stashbusting mode

So I did make a hat for laurent this week-end. A real nice combination of yarn, nice tweedy pure wool navy and super fluffy and ubersoft orange. But it’s been so many years since I last knit hats that I had forgotten all my numbers. The hat ended up really too wide. Kind of a rasta hide-it-all hat. And it didn’t suit him AT ALL ! So that shall be frogged, and we’re trying again. But he said he’s like a hat knit with smaller yarn for a change (that one was 6 mm needles, and I used to knit ALL my hats with 7 mm.. 😉 ) so now we’re looking for a suitable yarn combo.

BUT, I decided on some yarn to use for prune’s hat, and at least that one worked out fine … I just finished the bottom (I call it my lazybum technique : first knit a regulat hat, then pick up the bottom stitches & knit one more row adding the earflaps with some short rows. Makes a pretty neat finish too, and they always fit real nice this way !). And yes, that’s a little bit of i-cord on top of the hat… Didn’t want no pompoms, but no flat top either.
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And that’s one stash skein down ! Not that it shall make a great difference yet.. 😉 but I’ve been thinking these days of all these holiday projects to make, so I’m hoping to use lots more !

I also learned to knit continental the other day, (inspired by yahaira !), but haven’t practised much yet as I always think “not this one, this needs to be regularly knit”.. I guess I need to make some basic stockinette little to practise knitting continental ..!! 😉 However, I feel relieved now to have found out about this technique, it feels so much more natural !!!

Oh, and our friend Rebecca called the other night and she’ll be visiting soon (from B.C., Canada), it’s going to be so exciting to see her !! Can’t wait !

Okay, now onto the next project. Some fingerless mitts, or maybe some lacy mohairy scarf.. ? (Duh, always forget. Have to re-make the handles for the tote though. Won’t take long, but have to do this before anything else!)

2 thoughts on “Stashbusting mode

  1. Brooklyn Handspun Reply

    OMG Prune is the cutest little girl, and the hat looks so adorable on her. Thanks for the tip of picking up the stitches to make the ear flaps it’s so much easier than putting them on holders and then joining.

  2. yahaira Reply

    Prune looks sooo cute and she’s really rocking out that hat.
    What do you mean Laurent didn’t like his rasta hat!? 😛

    do a little continental in each project and you’ll start to get the hang of it quicker

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