Yeah !!! I was starting to think it would never arrive, but I got my package from the Crafster “my country doesn’t have this” swap yesterday morning !! And look what elizabeth sent me !
The 2 skeins of the Rowan “all seasons cotton” I had asked for (this way I’ll be able to check if it’s actually a good substitute for my “cotonina” that I keep on using for all the Isabeau projects), PLUS the fall issue of vogue knitting!!! Hoohoo, now I have an issue of both IK and VK !! (and I’ve read all about “knitting in Japan” already Yahaira !! 😉 Are you going soon ? )
She also sent tons of other goodies, including cajun spice and jerky, Yum !!!
I haven’t been knitting at all these days, but I went to Uni and got to choose my classes: so I’ll be specialising in Linguistics ladies ! Plus I’ll have beginners classes of russian, sooo excited about that !! (So far I can speak and understand basic russian, but can hardly read it or write ! Also I’ll get to learn a bit of grammar, can’t wait !)
But the thing is, … classes actually started over 2 weeks ago ! So we had a big stress peak on tuesday night trying to find ways for me to go this week (=basically having prune taken care of). I guess I’ll just try to attend as many classes as possible this month, untill I have prune properly settled at daycare on wesnesdays and thursdays. (plus if I can’t get the diploma this year, it’s no biggie either.)
First classes this afternoon !