Back home

So after 12 hours in the car yesterday, crossing pretty much all of France (from the ocean to like 60 km from the swiss border – that’s where we live !) we’re Home again !

I had like 60 mails in my inbox yesterday..!!! AND a great package waiting for me from Winnie, who sent me all those in exchange for a pattern I translated for her.
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I’m so happy ! Burgundy Manos del Uruguay, a skein of Regia sockyarn, some Lionbrand Landscape in the lovely color used for the crosshatch hat set, plus some Moda dea Cache in a cool pink/green combo. To me all of these are little treasures: just picture yourself living in a country where nobody has ever heard of all these (exept maybe in some high end stores like in Paris ?) but keep on hearing about them everywhere on the web.. Well now I DO have some Manos of my own, and will probably use the Regia to knit prune some sockies…

Anyhow, other than that we’ve had two grand weeks, had a very nice appartement with a view directly on the ocean (located like 50 m away)
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Plus we had some fairly nice weather (especially for the season). We swam a lot, in the ocean and in the (ice cold) swimming pool. Rode our bikes only once though, in the nice smelly pine forest of the Landes. Prune had the best time, always out, she LOVED the ocean and the waves.. And of course Laurent surfed his ass off..!
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Now, knitting content. The totes… Yeah, you guessed it. Still not finished! Actually they could have been, technically. But to make the long story short, I started with the handbag, in orange. Was like 97% finished, blocked and sewed the lining and then started assembling it.. and realised it was too big.
Okay, so I just rewrote all my numbers, and started again, on the tote this time, in navy blue. I kept the orange one, you know, so I’d make the tote “right”. Knit it all up, front, bottom, back. Was a long one, because well, it’s a tote. Then it was already like the last days, took the (blocked)orange sampler out, and looked again at my now 70% finished tote.. And decided it was too big as well ! (…especially because of the “weight” factor: I’d like it to make it the perfect size so as to keep the weight to a minimum so it doesn’t put to much pressure on the handles.. See what I mean ..?)

Anyway, so I started again. This time in turquoise. And back to the handbag version. Now like 65% done but as it’s much smaller that the big navy tote, it should be quicky finished once I get back onto it.

I’ll put up a pic as soon as I have a good enough result.. 😉

Oh, and just a word about chezplum. It seems we have a problem with the download system laurent installed just before we left, despite all the (successful) tests we made. Sorry again to the people who had to wait for me to email them the pattern. We’ll try to have that fixed asap, but in between I’ll just go back with the old system and send the pattern via email as soon as I get Paypal payment notification.

And now I’ll go back to unpacking…! Talk to you soon.

Edit: Oh, and I keep on forgetting. Today was my birthday… 32 now ! 😀

8 thoughts on “Back home

  1. Bonnie Reply

    Oh I just love birthdays. Hope you had a happy one.

    I love the combination of all the yarns in the pic. They just seem to go together.

  2. carrie Reply

    happy birthday! glad you had a relaxing time. and if you ever can’t get your hands on some yarn, for heaven’s sake, let us know!

  3. Shelley Reply

    And Happy Birthday as well. Your holiday pictures are lovely! By the way, Laurent in fact surfed his ass OFF, not out. 😉 I did pick up a crochet hook last night and took another go at the sari silk. This is the key – crocheting. I think I will be able to make a very cute little bag. Perhaps with a frill or ruffle around the flap part. Maybe in mohair? Anyway, I’ll take pictures.

  4. sylv Reply

    Well thanks so much all of you for the birthday wishes.. I guess I never had that many ..!! (or at least in my adult years.. ) 😀
    Shelley, Thanks so much for that, once again. I’ll change that right away ! And I’ll be checking on your sari silk, can’t wait to see the result !

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