Round 1 is over, I finished the first prototype.
Looks promising, but lots of things to fix. I’m frogging it and trying again. One good point is that my 3-and-a-bit skeins are going to be plenty, so I don’t have to worry about that.
And I’ve been tagged by Christine. Like I said before I don’t listen to a lot of music these days, so it shall pretty quick
5 CDs in your Player: well, no actual CD player but just the laptop directly hooked onto the amplifier. Most CDs are stored directly in MP3 format. However I just happened to play one a couple days ago: some kind of a “top of the pops” we got in Russia. Pure russian junk pop, but I love it. Reminds me lots of
good memories. Other Cds left near the computer are “Zemfira” ( russian band), “chants de l’extase” from Hildegarde von Binger, and Steve Earle and the del McCoury band. (more memories, peeling cedar logs in B.C.)
5 Movies You’ve watched Recently: Another hard question. Not many movies lately. “Cookies fortune” & “Ressources humaines” I know. Oh, that was a while ago, but there was “Bride an prejudice” too; I love Bollywood.. And can I say books for the 2 last ones..? I’m finishing a book by Lucie Aubrac, about her time in the french “resistance”, and just before I read that book about Auschwitz. Very interesting.
5 Nice Things That Happened To You Lately: uh, lately..?
1)this lady agreed to sponsor me for a couple skeins of yarn for one of my projects. Although I’m still waiting for her confirmation, that was a big high..!
2)..It’s not “directly” concerning me, but Prune’s first steps is a really nice thing.
3) Having lots of dear friends (and relatives too) visiting these past 2 weeks
4) Some kind of a maybe-project with Christine
5)The handmade present for Prune a kiwi friend sent that I received this morning
5 MP3s on your playlist: The ones I listen too most often..? Bjork, Shakira (NZ memories), Anne Sylvestre (kiddy songs), Olivia Ruiz, soundtrack of “Monsoon wedding”
Okay, going back to the “Mouchelette”…
oh !! prometteur ce petit top raglan, est-ce que j’appercois des fleurs ajourees dans le bas ?!
elle est vriament mimi ta puce !!
Merci Karen, et oui effectivement il a y a des petits motifs ajour
whoa, you are so fast! It looks great, cant wait to see the finished version. I especially like the little cap sleeves and the eyelets on the bottom.
That is so cute – although the model helps.
Don’t you just love working those little tops in the round. It seems to go so quickly. I see the motifs at the bottom. It’s something I was thinking of for my orange cashmere thingie. Amazing how great minds think alike.
Hahaha, I had a problem with the nice things too! I was like.. uhhhh! I couldn’t think of 5 BAD things either though, so..
just checking to see if you were able to get my email. hope it’s working again.
Tom saw the purse and thought it was beautiful!