First steps !!!!

Yesterday Prune made her first steps ! Woohoo !! We both were so loudly happy and proud (yeah, she even did it while her daddy was home) she got scared and nearly cried…
Anyhow, she kept on walking today, little cautious steps, but still she walked, so I’m like WOW, entering a whole new world now !!!

I haven’ made any good pics of her walking yet, so instead I’ll show her with her other (& just as new) passion : answering the “phone” (in this case it’s her dad’s electric shaver ..!) and trying to say “allo, oui…”
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In knitting news, some super duper exciting news might be in the works. Let’s cross fingers.

And in the “real world”, lots of friends and family visiting these days, sooo cool!

Oh, … and did you see Laurent just helped me with the fancy font issue for the title? Now we have a Wendy medium title, ladies…

Edit: Can you tap-dance AND knit at the same time …? I mean, I can be quite passionnate about knitting and crochet, but not that much .. 😉 Fun read though.

5 thoughts on “First steps !!!!

  1. karen Reply

    ptite puce qu’elle est mignonne !!
    il lui faut un telephone bien a elle !! ;o)

    ta police de titre est bien sympa !

    j’ai me beaucoup le needlecase que tu as recu – il m’en faut absolument un c’est le vrai bazar dans mes bambous et circulaires ;o)

  2. Sarah Reply

    Congrats to Prune! Now you get to chase her all over the place… It will be a whole new world for both of you! 😉

  3. Shelley Reply

    Wendy font!! That’s too funny. I love it though. Very pretty. Never having been a mom I can’t give firsthand accounts of being around a toddler full time, but I have chased my nephews at that age. It is funny but it seems that they can run very fast and very well before they can walk that securely. Good luck.

  4. Sarah Reply

    Congratulations on your beautiful daughter’s big moment! Love your site – plum and lime colors are some of my favorites together, too. 🙂

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