More vintage spindles: treasure bounty !

Yay ! I haven’t finished my big translation job yet (it’s a great sewing book, am learning tons of tricks !) but the first draft is done, which is always the most difficult and daunting part of the job. So that’s already a relief.

So, I took the time after this yesterday to sort out all the spindles I’ve been shelving for months. It will look like a bounty of treasures, but it’s rather that I try now to focus only on the beautiful and really unusual spindles, as I have already so many of the more common types. Plus it’s been many months since I took the time to photograph and list any of my newly find spindles.

Therefore, I give you… 14 more spindles to be listed on Etsy !!!!! yes 14 !!!!

… although it might end up being only 13 as one I was going to list prooved more interesting than at first sight :
spinAB spinA : spiral groove at one end spinB: spiral groove also at other end of the french spindle
I need to triple-check but it looks like this particular spindle has a spiral groove at both ends !! I haveve never seen that before & will probably keep it for my collection and my ebook project!! 😉

Anyhow. Here are a few pictures of the ones you’ll see there: tons of different shapes of metal caps, with various hooks and spiral grooves. Different shapes of wooden spindles. And spindles in great condition, or with many bug holes and signs of wear and being much loved 🙂

vintage french spindle metal cap, Sylvie Damey vintage french spindle metal cap, Sylvie Damey vintage french spindle with metal cap, Sylvie Damey vintage french spindle metal cap, Sylvie Damey vintage french spindle metal cap, Sylvie Damey

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