Hi again ! We got back on sunday night and I’m finally catching up a bit on all the stuff I had to do ! We had a GREAT time in the chalet, perfect weather conditions with both lots of sun AND tons of fresh snow.. Lots of friends joined us too, which was really nice. Would you imagine there was 10 of us for the Fondue the first week-end ? (and that’s not counting the kids !). I loved it !
I also had some knitting-crocheting friends along… and yes, that’s the Mont Blanc partially hidden behind my skis !
For all those who sent photos for the contest, Thanks so much ! I’ll be announcing the winners shortly!
After all my tranlastions I even managed to do some crocheting while we were there, so I was pretty happy with myself.. I redid the edgings of the Kureyon Roselette (which meant frogging halfway to the begining of the shells portion but that’s okay.. it’s my favorite part anyways…) Nothing exciting but I prefer it mucho now. Pictures coming.
AND.. I’ve started working on the adult version of the Roselette top !! I’m calling it the Violaine top, and working my sample in pink Malabrigo. I’m really happy with it so far (stopped just below the boobs area as I didn’t take any contratsting yarn with me anyway). Pictures coming soon.
I should rework a bit on the numbers for the last increase rows though. I want it perfect..!
Talk to you soon again this week for the winners of the Gallery Contest and more crochet pictures !
i’m glad you had a great time.
Can’t wait to see your Violaine top.
Great pic’s! Look like a great break, with lots of laughing and fun!
Curious about the Adultversion and the rest of your work.